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Frusciante bestätigt Austritt von den RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS

Schon vor einem Jahr hat John Frusciante den RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS wieder einmal bye bye gesagt, nur wir wussten bis jetzt nichts davon...

JOHN FRUSCIANTE (c) / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken
Auf seiner MySpace-Page hat John Frusicante jetzt den Austritt von den RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS bestätigt, der eigentlich schon vor einem Jahr vollzogen wurde...

"When I quit the band, over a year ago, we were on an indefinite hiatus. There was no drama or anger involved, and the other guys were very understanding. They are supportive of my doing whatever makes me happy and that goes both ways.

To put it simply, my musical interests have led me in a different direction. Upon rejoining, and throughout my time in the band, I was very excited about exploring the musical possibilities inherent in a rock band, and doing so with those people in particular. A couple of years ago, I began to feel that same excitement again, but this time it was about making a different kind of music, alone, and being my own engineer.
JOHN FRUSCIANTE (c) / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken
I really love the band and what we did. I understand and value that my work with them means a lot to many people, but I have to follow my interests. For me, art has never been something done out of a sense of duty. It is something I do because it is really fun, exciting, and interesting. Over the last 12 years, I have changed, as a person and artist, to such a degree that to do further work along the lines I did with the band would be to go against my own nature. There was no choice involved in this decision. I simply have to be what I am, and have to do what I must do.

Sending love and gratitude to you all." (Quelle)
SLAM #133
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