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PENNYWISE erklären ihre handgreifliche Auseinandersetzung mit ALESANA

Auf der Vans Warped Tour kam es zuletzt zu einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen PENNYWISE und ALESANA - es sei alles nur ein Missverständnis gewesen, so PENNYWISE-Gitarrist Fletcher Dragge...


PENNYWISE (c) Epitaph Records / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenPENNYWISE-Gitarrist Fletcher Dragge: "We were coming back from a bar across the way from the Warped buses in Denver after the show had ended. We saw what we thought was the RV of Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band. We`d been hanging out with those guys and since it was our last night on the tour, we wanted to drop by and say goodbye. They were driving a very distinctive RV, and I thought it was the only one on the tour. Apparently Alesana have the exact same van. We walked in and nobody was there, so we sat down thinking somebody’s gonna pop up or something. That’s around when [Alesana`s] tour manager came onboard and said, “What are you guys doing here? Who are you? You need to get out of our vehicle.” He was totally in the right. It was a situation where we thought we were in one place, and the tour manager for Alesana didn’t recognize us. Of course, if the roles were reversed and we found people on our bus, we’d tell them to leave, too. [...] We had never met those guys before this. I actually had watched their set a few times on the tour. This wasn`t premeditated and it wasn`t about another band or their style of music. We support any band who believes in what they`re doing. They`re not a punk band. They do what they do, and that`s what Warped Tour`s all about. We`re actually going on tour with them in Australia soon. This shouldn`t at all be about people liking or not liking Alesana or their type of music. They were completely in the right. It`s just that with Warped Tour, there are so many people crammed in such a small space for six weeks. That`s part of the fun of it. But in the morning, you dust yourself off and start another day. We have nothing against those guys and we`re thankful they dropped the charges. I`m sure we`ll end up on tour, having a beer with them and laughing about it."

ALESANA (c) Justin Reich / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenALESANAs Shawn Milke darauf: "We would like to thank Fletcher of Pennywise for publicly apologizing for the incident that took place earlier this week. We have been and will always be fans of Pennywise, and we look forward to touring Australia with those dudes. I guess next time we will just hang a sign on our door that says, `This is not the bus of the Reverend Peyton.` Mistakes happen. For Alesana and Pennywise, this is already water under the bridge, and we urge you all to please do the same. Touring is about music and friendship, but unfortunately sometimes these things happen. We look forward to that beer, Fletcher."

SLAM #133
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