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SLAM #133 mit Interviews und Storys zu HIGH ON FIRE +++ KMPFSPRT +++ HOT WATER MUSIC +++ KRIS BARRAS BAND +++ MAGGIE LINDEMANN +++ THOSE DAMN CROWS +++ COLD YEARS +++ u.v.m. +++ Jetzt am Kiosk!

SIX FEET UNDER verlieren Boden unter den Füßen

Gleich zwei Mitglieder von SIX FEET UNDER lassen es jetzt gut sein. Aber man habe sich im Guten getrennt, so die Band...

SIX FEET UNDER (c) Joe Giron / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenTerry Butler, seines Zeichens Bassist von SIX FEET UNDER und auch Greg Gall, der bislang für die Drumsticks verantwortlich war, werden die Band jetzt verlassen. Butler wird ab sofort als reguläres Mitglied von OBITUARY zu sehen sein. SIX FEET UNDER-Fronter Chris Barnes dazu:

"To the loyal fans of Six Feet Under-

Our long time friends and bandmates, Terry Butler and Greg Gall , have decided to move on and depart from SFU. Steve Swanson and myself are grateful for all the fun times we`ve shared together through the years, and wish them the best of luck in their musical endeavors.

just to fill you all in, Steve and myself are very excited about the future of the SFU, and i have been working hard on writing the new SFU material for the past 4 months with a new writing partner.

i will make this guarantee and promise to all the fans of Six Feet Under; the new line up will be a DEATH METAL force to be dealt with, with the long awaited addition of a brutal as fuck drummer and riffs that will rip your face off, vocals ala 1993-1995...

SIX FEET UNDER (c) Joe Giron / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenthank you all for your continued support and devotion, see you soon!

" (Quelle)

Auch Terry Butler hat sich dieser Tage zu Wort gemeldet:

"I would just like to put it out there that Greg Gall and I have parted ways with SIX FEET UNDER. As many of you know, I have been helping OBITUARY out on bass over the past year and now will be officially joining them as a permanent band member. Being in SIX FEET UNDER for 16 years, I have had the pleasure of meeting a lot of our dedicated fans and have made many friends along the way. I hope to see you out there! I wish nothing but the best for Chris Barnes and Steve Swanson in their future with SIX FEET UNDER." (Quelle)

Gerade eben ist ja die SFU-Live-DVD "Wake The Night! Live In Germany" erschienen und für alle, die das Teil noch nicht haben, hier ein Ausschnitt:

SLAM #133
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