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Dan Lilker verkündet das Ende von BRUTAL TRUTH

Seinen 50. Geburtstag hat Dan Lilker zum Anlass genommen, kürzerzutreten und das Aus für BRUTAL TRUTH bekanntzugeben. Wir haben seine Nachricht im Wortlaut für euch.

BRUTAL TRUTH (c) Relapse Records / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenDan Lilker, seines Zeichens Gründungsmitglied legendärer Bands wie S.O.D. und ANTHRAX, hat sich entschlossen, es anlässlich seines 50. Geburtstags ruhiger anzugehen und nicht mehr Vollzeit Musik zu machen und zu touren.

Hier sein Statement an die Fans im Wortlaut:

"I regret to inform Brutal Truth fans that as of October 18th, 2014, I will be retiring from being a full time recording and touring musician. That date is my 50th birthday, so I chose it symbolically as a significant milestone to make such a weighty decision. As a lot of you know, I`ve been an active member of the metal scene since the early 80s with the thrash metal bands I`ve been in before the formation of Brutal Truth in 1990, and I`m simply just tired of the rigors of touring mostly. Unlike some of my peers from the 80`s who went on to sell millions of records I have always been drawn to extreme underground metal. I don`t care about staying in 5 star hotels and having a big cushy tour bus but I am getting tired of squeezing into a van for 8 hours after all these years on the road. I have always played what I believe in and that is been priority #1, but the time has come to have a little bit more stability in my life.

Brutal Truth will still be active on the touring front until mid-October and will aim to do as much as we can in the next 9 months or so. After that, I will still have creative output with my 2 local bands in Rochester NY, Nokturnal Hellstorm and Blurring and do the occasional project tour, but yes, as of mid-October, Brutal Truth will no longer exist. I do realize that will be an extreme disappointment to all the grind freaks out there that have supported this band so rabidly all these years, and your enthusiasm will always have a special place in my heart, but I`ve made my decision, and I hope everyone can respect that.

Please note that messages sent to the Brutal Truth facebook will not be answered as I do not have my own personal facebook page therefore I do not have access."
SLAM #133
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