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Euroboy (TURBONEGRO) auf dem Weg der Besserung!

Seit zwei Monaten befindet sich Euroboy in ärztlicher Behandlung. Jetzt hat er auf der MySpace-Seite von TURBONEGRO ein Blog-Update seinen gesundheitlichen Status Quo betreffend gepostet...

TURBONEGRO Euroboy (c) Sarah Ubrig / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken"I`m now two months into treatment and doing ok, so I thought the time was right to give you guys an update on what`s going on with me. Recent tests at the hospital show that things are going my way and I can expect to be completely cured in the fall.

In March I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease, which is a `lucky` version of lymphoma cancer (90% percent get healed, according to Wikipedia and other and more reliable health information sources). Since then I`ve been undergoing chemotherapy every 14th day. That has kept me out of business for a while now, not being able to tour, but things have gone a lot better than feared. Last week they found out that my cure has so far been successful and my chances are as good as it gets.

TURBONEGRO (c) Cooking Vinyl / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenReceiving the news that I had cancer, but not knowing which type and how bad, was of course a rough one. The situation soon changed to the better once I learned what it really was and I headed into therapy. When staying alive is all you care about, then things really can only go upward. I don`t have that much experience with health institutions (maybe except from the occasional meeting with Dr.Rock while on tour…) but I must say that the way I`ve been taking care of by the people at Radiumhospitalet, has just been fantastic.

I expected the treatment to be a bit hellish, but it`s actually not that bad. Ironically, I was the first one I knew of to be `googling for wigs`, as we`re singing in Hell Toupee. But fortunately for a rocking cat like meself, I haven`t lost my hair (yet). It also looks like I won`t be allowed into the handicapped area, rolling in on a wheelchair, at this summer`s stadium concerts in Oslo. Seriously, the treatment doesn`t wear me out. I`m basically able to carry on as normal, just staying at home and taking it a little easy.

TURBONEGRO (c) Cooking Vinyl / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenThe last two months I`ve rediscovered my record collection, been through 3 seasons of The Wire, getting to spend more valuable time with Marie (10 months) and probably been playing more guitar than I have in last ten years. I was very happy to do a couple of shows in Norway earlier this month. As I wrote earlier, it sucked to cancel the tours, especially the Coachella festival in Palm Springs, which we`ve wanted to play for years. Now I`m all set to play the festivals this summer and deliver the goods.

Not long ago, Tom and me sat down to write some new shit. (Now we finally have the chance to take use of the old turbo working album-title `TUMOURS` with certain credibility). One of the new songs, entitled Destroy All Monsters, was recorded this weekend. It`s our first recording to feature our new drummer Tomas Dahl. The song is a dark, almost industrial-sounding mid tempo rocker, with a great chorus, if you ask us. It`s going to be used on the soundtrack for the Age of Conan online game. Even though I`m better than the average Joe at swinging my axe, I`m not too crazy about Conan. Hank, on the other hand, loves that stuff.

The amount of support and love from fans, friends and family has been overwhelming and very touching. I`m very thankful for it, cause it warms and really helps you getting through stuff like this with an uplifted head. Thanks a lot to everybody for the encouragement!

See you soon and take care!
The notorious K.N.U.T. aka Euroboy
" (Quelle)

SLAM #32 / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenSLAM #20 / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken

SLAM #20 und #32 mit TURBONEGRO-Coverstories

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