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Josh Homme: "Ich bin nicht schwulenfeindlich!"

Bei einem Festival in Norwegen konnte sich QUOTSA-Frontmann Josh Homme nicht beherrschen und verwendete neben tausenden anderen Schimpfwörtern auch homophobe Ausdrücke...

QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE @ Billabong Air & Style 08 (c) / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenNachdem QUOTSA-Sänger Josh Homme beim Norwegian Wood Festival am 13. Juni in Oslo von einem Schuh getroffen wurde, war die Stimmung auf der Bühne alles andere als feierlich weil von Hommes Hasstiraden erfüllt. Hier gibt es das Disaster zu sehen.

Homme wurde nach diesem Vorfall vorgeworfen schwulenfeindlich zu sein, woraufhin er mit einer offiziellen Pressemeldung reagierte, um diese Vorwürfe zu dementieren:

"Member of the Peanut Gallery:

QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE (c) Reiner Pfisterer / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenSome journalists & citizens on the internet & are wondering: Q? Am I a homophobe because I included a slang for gay in with other `acceptable` curse words during a verbal lashing I gave a young concertgoer, after being hit by his shoe, during a show the other day? A= Nope. My gay family & friends, as well as myself, KNOW I am not a homophobe. For years now I`ve known gay is not a choice; one`s skin color doesn`t determine one`s intelligence level; & red hair doesn`t mean you`re someone`s stepchild. You see, it`s not the words, it`s their intent. I never said, nor suggested, that being gay is wrong, but apparently, based on your outrage to my flu-infused rant, you do! By that logic... I also told that young whipper snapper I`d have anal sex with him... how can I possibly reconcile these opposing viewpoints? I called him a pussy too. Does it mean I hate our one worlds` collective vagina? I never have been nor intend to be politically correct. That`s your cross to bear. To me, that PC world would suck more shit than the porta-potty truck at Glastonbury.

QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE (c) Interscope/Universal / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenHomophobic? I`m in Queens Of The Stone Age for crissake... You say, `So. Your band name doesn`t prove anything.` Maybe not. But it`s a helluv a lot more definitive than the logic of some watchdog... (sorry canine-American, canine-European, canine-African, canine-Australian & canine-Asian) moralist, keeping score from pure perfectionville? If your glass house is squeegeed that clean & you need to do something, do what the great philosopher Bill Hick`s once suggested: - forgive me-. Or don`t. I`m not asking for either, OK? I think you should let both of your cheeks go loose so the stick will drop out. Either way I expect that you`ll soon find another injustice from your chair, then roll to your bullhorn & point it out to the rest of us... Because you`re so above it all. Or If you`ll allow me to translate a wish of mine into your PC lingo:
Will you please go have, consensual, sex with yourself.
Pretty please with all natural, carbon offset sugar on top.

Mr. Missundastood
A.K.A. Joshua, Baby Duck, Jho
Head Choreographer & Do Stuff Corporation`s pansexual spokes-thing"

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