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Infos zum neuen Album von RISE AGAINST

RISE AGAINST arbeiten - wenn sie nicht gerade auf Sommerfestivals rocken - hart an ihrem nächsten Album und haben ein Studio-Update auf ihrer Homepage gepostet.

RISE AGAINST (c) Universal Music / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenRISE AGAINST (c) Universal Music Group / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenEnde 2008 bzw. Anfang 2009 soll das nächste RISE AGAINST-Album veröffentlicht werden, das von Bill Stevenson (BLACK FLAG, DESCENDENTS) produziert wird. Es wird der erste Longplayer sein, bei dem Gitarrist Zach Blair auf Platte gepresst wird, der als Ersatz für Chris Chasse zu RISE AGAINST gestoßen ist. Hier ein Auszug des Studio-Reports:

"We arrived in Fort Collins and immediately got to work on the songs, and in fact, ending up writing a a whole bunch more of them in the first couple weeks. Bill and Jason helped coax the rock out us and, when we were`t trying to cover Motorhead songs, we actually got a lot done. Once we finished the structure of songs, Brandon got to work on the drums while the rest of us entertained ourselves around town, which included a night of weirdness with our good buddy Magic Cyclops over at the Surfside, thoroughly enjoyed by all. Wilhelm Scream even rolled through town on their recent tour and we were all able to take a minute out of our schedules to enjoy a BBQ over at Bill`s house, at which point many trampoline antics ensued [...] Guitars and bass started shortly after, and so far are going great. They sound bigger and better than anything we`ve done yet and everyone has been really impressed. We`re experimenting with a lot of sounds and attempting to tastefully implement them in our songs, so far, so good..." (Quelle)

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