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SHADOWS FALL arbeiten an sechstem Album!

Die Springfield-Metaller SHADOWS FALL befinden sich gerade im Studio, um an ihrem sechsten Longplayer zu tüfteln. Drummer Jason Bittner plauderte jetzt aus dem Nähkästchen...

"Drums have begun for the new Shad album! However it`s too bad I can`t even tell you what the name of it is going to be because we haven`t figured that one out yet!

SHADOWS FALL (c) Roadrunner Records / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenAnyhow, I moved into our old stomping grounds Planet Z recording in Hadley, MA with our ever present 6th member Zeuss patiently watching me load my menagerie of drums inside! `Is your kit bigger this time?` he asked, I then laughed because technically it`s smaller... I dropped off a few cymbals! He just sighed, and proceeded to find every mic available in Massachusetts in order to capture every nuance of my Tama Starclassic BBE kit. This is the first time I`m not recording with my `old-faithful` blue sparkle birch kit, but so far we are in amazement on how good the Birch/bubinga hybrid kit sounds. AMAZING! Deep, resonant, and the tones are killer. I can`t tell you how psyched I am over this record. The Shad camp has been through a lot over the last year, and I think it shows in this record... the songs are a little more on the darker, angry side... lots of heaviness, lots of crazy guitar, and LOTS of room for me to have some fun. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be the best performance of my career, so far, and I owe that to my guys for bringing me incredible riffs to write killer drum parts to.
SHADOWS FALL (c) Roadrunner Records / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken
Day one I banged out four songs, two of them being two of the hardest songs on the album. The first one being `F&*K it All,` which is the new tune we`ve been playing live... on this one, I think I do my best Charlie Benante impersonation, lots of long db kick lines. The later tune being a raging fast song that we are just calling `Thrashy` for now, but just imagine `Angel of Death` and `War Ensamble` mixed together. I think this is about as close as I`ll get to getting my `inner Dave Lombardo` out on record. I `m very proud of these two songs... and the other two we did that day were `Rocker` and `#6.` As I said, we don`t really have all the titles for the songs yet because Brian`s still working on some of the lyrics, but he`s got plenty of time, I only have half the record done, and we still have guitars and bass to do before he even has to worry about singing the lyrics!

SHADOWS FALL (c) Roadrunner Records / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenOn day two I ventured back in to go to work on `My Demise,` which will probably be the album opener... what a killer song, the chorus groove is ridiculous! Followed by `Number One.` That`s the title cause it`s the first song we wrote for this album, and then I finished the day out with `Morbid Angel.` I love these `working titles,` this one being named after one of our fav death metal bands cause a few of the drum/guitar lines are reminiscent of that band!
SHADOWS FALL (c) Roadrunner Records / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken
At that point I was out of things to do since we hadn`t done any scratch guitar tracks for the other remaining songs, partially due to the fact that we are still writing as we speak! Never fear though, yesterday we took a day and went out to our jam room and cleaned up two other `works in progress,` and now tomorrow I will start tracking those two, followed by a few covers!

So we just want to let everyone know that we are very hard at work on this record, and we hope that you guys and gals will think it`s as killer as we do!
" (Quelle)

SLAM #41 - ab 10. Dezember am Kiosk! / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenSLAM #41 - ab 10. Dezember am Kiosk! / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken

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