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SLAM #134 mit Interviews und Storys zu LOWLIVES +++ WAGE WAR +++ NEAERA +++ KNOCKED LOOSE +++ CAGE THE ELEPHANT +++ FOLTERKAMMER +++ HELLBUTCHER +++ KITTIE +++ u.v.m. +++ Jetzt am Kiosk!

SLAM exclusive: TRUCKFIGHTERS-Tourdiary No. 1

Am 20. Mai ging`s los und im Hamburger Hafenklang Exil los und am 06. Juni endet`s im Osnabrücker JZ Westwerk: die Europa-Tournee der TRUCKFIGHTERS! Ladies & Gents: Stoner Rock aus Schweden - Klappe, die erste!

20.05.2009: D-Hamburg - Hafenklang Exil

SLAM exklusive: Tourdiary No.1 (c) TRUCKFIGHTERS / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenFirst off from Orebro in Sweden at 05.30 this wednesday... puh. We did a short stop at the factory of our drumstick sponsor Wincent to pick up some sticks. Unfortunately we had packed both the dv-cam and the normal camera in the middle of everything in the car so this visit will remain a bit mystical.

The drive continued and after a really long time like 12 hours we arrived at the venue just in time to load in the gear and soundcheck. This was kind of a preparty for the Wilwarin festival which we played last year.
SLAM exklusive: Tourdiary No.1 (c) TRUCKFIGHTERS / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken
We were all really tired and was looking forward to play a show not THAT late, but it was 3 bands before us and it seemed like no one really cared about any specific timings and such so we started our show at 03.00 IN THE NIGHT! Even though we left Sweden about that time the same morning we gave the audience a hell of a show as usually. He he.

Felt a little bit sorry for our fans who some of them arrived at 21.00 when the doors opened, to have to wait until 03.00. At about 05:30 we arrived at the hotel, were the personel was having a little afterparty. That was lucky for us cause otherwise they would have left a long time ago and we would not have had anywhere to sleep. Seems someone forgot to tell us it was not 24 hours open in the reception of the hotel. A really looong first day of the tour. Now it has begun it will be a great time.


SLAM #43 - ab 15. April am Kiosk!!! / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenRock Classics AC/DC (c) SLAM Media GmbH / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken

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SLAM #43 - JETZT am Kiosk!
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