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SLAM exclusive: TRUCKFIGHTERS-Tourdiary No. 3

Gemeinsam mit den Bands GRAVEYARD und WITCHCRAFT machten die TRUCKFIGHTERS Berlin unsicher. Und obwohl sie dann doch als erste Band auf die Bühne gingen mussten, war der Gig ein voller Erfolg!

SLAM exklusive: Tourdiary No. 3 (c) TRUCKFIGHTERS / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken22.05.2009: D-Berlin – White Trash (+ WITCHCRAFT & GRAVEYARD)

Ok, as I told you before we we`re in Berlin really early that day, so we located the venue and ate lunch there. Then we went to a music shop but it was not professional enough. (We were looking for instrument cables to oir wireless systems.) The club was very cool with the best kind of American fat burgers. ;) After hanging out (sleeping in the sofas & doing nothing) and waiting for  WITCHCRAFT and GRAVEYARD for hours (they arrived like 20.30), everything has to be soundchecked and finished within 30 minutes or so...
SLAM exklusive: Tourdiary No. 1 (c) TRUCKFIGHTERS / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken
We have been told that we was going to play as second band, sounded like a good idea... WITCHCRAFT was really fast with the soundcheck and we packed our stuff up and were just about to start soundcheck, but then the organiser told us he thought it would be better if GRAVEYARD played second band since they were sharing drums.

TRUCKFIGHTERS (c) Fuzzorama Records / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenIt didn`t matter that much, because the venue was packed at 22.30 when we enetered the stage, but I was told afterwards that some people who came to see us missed the show, but hey: blame the organiser! ;) No actually, it was a really good night and really well organised so... Especially cool when you see lots of people wearing TRUCKFIGHTERS-clothing before the gig starts, and shouting when you go up on stage with the water and the final preparations for the gig. Then you know it`s gonna be a great show.
SLAM exklusive: Tourdiary No. 1 (c) TRUCKFIGHTERS / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken
The audience was very, very excited and we did encore even though we were the first band out. And the show goes on... so far no more than five hours sleep each night IF lucky! And tomorrow we have to drive for 800 kilometers. Sounds like fun? Hmm, maybe if you have a designated driver but we all three in the band are the only ones with a driving license =) See ya tomorrow!


SLAM #137
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