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SLAM #137 mit Interviews und Storys zu ALARMSIGNAL +++ TOCOTRONIC +++ LINKIN PARK +++ POPPY +++ WARDRUNA +++ HATHORS +++ PRIMAL SCREAM +++ TAYNE +++ u.v.m. +++ Jetzt am Kiosk!

SLAM exclusive: TRUCKFIGHTERS-Tourdiary No. 2

Den zweiten Tag ihrer Europatournee verbrachten die TRUCKFIGHTERS im Museumskeller in Erfurt. Und wenn man betrachtet, wie viel Glas da zu Bruch ging, dürften die Jungs fortan vom Glück gesegnet sein...

21.05.2009: D-Erfurt - Museumskeller

SLAM exklusive: Tourdiary No.1 (c) TRUCKFIGHTERS / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenDisaster struck our van when we were about to stop for lunch. At the parking lot, Ozo backed straight into a streetlight and smashed the back window into a million pieces... Not good for our tourbudget. We were really shocked and completely forgot to film or take photos at first. Now we have duck-tape instead of a window.
TRUCKFIGHTERS (c) Fuzzorama/Rough Trade / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken
Despite this incident we were in a pretty good mood arriving in Erfurt at the Museumskeller. A cool place where we actually played many years ago on our first tour ever in Germany. It was nice to come back to this club, which it just - like you may have guessed from the name - a cellar below a museum.

TRUCKFIGHTERS (c) Fuzzorama Records / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenAt first, there was not that many people but as soon as we started to play the place was almost full. It was nice to play alone so we could soundckeck and then leave the gear exactly the way we wanted it on stage and get exactly the same settings on the gig later on. For some strange reasons, it always seems like no matter how much you soundcheck and get really satisfied with the sound, it`s very common that the sound is much different when you play later... more about that when we come to Berlin.

SLAM exklusive: Tourdiary No.1 (c) TRUCKFIGHTERS / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenBut at the Museumskeller everything was perfect, the sound on stage and the audience was on fire, and of course the TRUCKFIGHTERS ;) The only thing that wasn`t good was the deal. It was really crappy and didn`t include accommodation. We decided to drive all night long to Berlin and relax in there instead. Driving in the night has the positive side to it that there are no cars in the way. Did a lot of night-driving when we toured with FU MANCHU... Stay tuned, the Fuzz will prevail.


SLAM #43 - ab 15. April am Kiosk!!! / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klickenRock Classics AC/DC (c) SLAM Media GmbH / Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken

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SLAM #43 - JETZT am Kiosk!
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